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FMGTEK 2019 - Çağrılı Konuşmacılar

Adjunct Professor. Jaana Seikkula-Leino
University of Turku, Finland

Keynote Title: Entrepreneurship in Teacher Education
Jaana Seikkula-Leino D.Ed. works as Adjunct Professor of Entrepreneurship Education at the University of Turku Teacher Training School, Finland.  She has also worked as an invited professor of entrepreneurship education for Lappeenranta, University of Technology, Finland, Centre for Training and Development during 2009 – 2014.
Seikkula-Leino has also worked as an expert and a consultant for the European Commission, the UN, the Nordic Council of Ministries, the OECD, Finnish Ministry of Trade and Industry and The Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture. She has been an active member of the working group for the Finnish Government designing strategies of entrepreneurship education for the Finnish education system as a whole.
Dr. Seikkula-Leino has a very active research portfolio, focusing on the following areas: entrepreneurial learning, entrepreneurship education, socio-emotional skills, self-esteem, motivation, self-regulation, teacher education, digital learning environments, evaluation, assessment standards, curriculum and strategy design and their implementation, and CLIL education. She provides a strong scientific basis for valid knowledge development grounded in comparative and multicultural research, multicultural partnership, methodological triangulation with an emphasis on both qualitative and quantitative research. Moreover, she strives to combine studies of multidisciplinary approach, rooted in research of economics, psychology and education. She advisors, opponents, and supervisors for several dissertations and other thesis. Seikkula-Leino referees for international journals including guest editorships. She has applied and received several major research grants, like from the Finnish Government, the European Union and various foundations.
Her current major project runs with SKILLOON,
SKILLOON is students’ “on-line personal trainer” to help students in their current studies and help them to orientate towards future working life and entrepreneurship. SKILLOON is funded by the Finnish National Agency of Education and coordinated by Mynämäki municipality. SKILLOON is also implemented in the strategy by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture through national Digitrainer project.

Professor. Dr. Vincentas Lamanauskas
Siauliai University, Lithuania

Keynote Title: Scientific Writing and Publishing: On the Skills Needed to Write and Submit Scientific Manuscripts 
Vincentas Lamanauskas is a professor of Education at the University of Šiauliai, a Doctor of Social Sciences, the Head of Scientia Socialis Ltd, the chairman of the scientific methodical centre Scientia Educologica and the editor-in-chief of international scientific periodicals Journal of Baltic Science EducationNatural Science EducationEducational Policy, Management and Quality, Problems of Education in the 21st Century, and Problems of Management in the 21st Century. Professor Lamanauskas is a member of the Council of Lithuanian Scientific Society, the International Organization for Science and Technology Education (IOSTE). Doctor Lamanauskas is a member of a number of prestigious international organizations including the Editorial Boards of international scientific journals Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (EJMSTE), Bulgarian Journal of Science and Education Policy(BJSEP), Bulgarian Journal of Chemical Education, Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae CracoviensisEducational Research for Social ChangeBusiness Trends, etc. Vincentas Lamanauskas is the author of more than 550 scientific and methodical publications. He makes reports at different international scientific symposiums and conferences and delivers lectures at universities abroad.



Professor Dr. Hamlet Isaxanli
Khazar University, Azerbaijan

Keynote Title:  Poetry of Mathematics, Two Cultures and Education

Hamlet Isaxanli is a scholar and public figure, professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, poet, writer, social scientist. He is a publisher, translator and editor. Professor Isaxanli is the Founder of Khazar University, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Trustees, Co-founder of the Eurasian Academy, Co-founder of the Dunya School Complex.
Наmlet Isakhanli is a member of international networks, associations, academies and boards, as well as a participant and organizer of international projects and gatherings on dif­fe­rent continents and various countries. He delivered plenary lectures at conferences held by UNESCONATOUNDPCouncil of Europe, etc. He has received honors and awards for his contribution to the development of research, education and culture.
Professor Isaxanli has more than 350 published works: research articles, monographies, textbooks, book chapters and creative writings in Mathematics; Mathematical Physics; History of Science and Culture; Philosophy of History; Education; Language and Translation Studies; Literature and Poetry. He is also a compiler and editor of numerous textbooks, books, dictionaries, journals.


Prof. Dr. Ali Al Musawi
Sultan Qaboos University, Omani

Keynote Title:  Technology in Education: A Roadmap to Confident Future
Professor Ali Sharaf Al Musawi has obtained his PhD on learning resources and technology centers in 1995 from Southampton University, UK. He works for the Sultan Qaboos University since 1985. At present, he is a professor at the Instructional and Learning Technologies Department at the College of Education. He has published numerous journal research articles, chapters in reviewed books, and papers; and contributed in many conferences, symposia, and workshops. He conducted and published several national, regional, and Arab studies and reports. He wrote a book on cooperative learning in 1992, contributed in writing another in 2003 and an educational lexicon in 2014; and published a book on learning resources and technology centers in 2004. He also translated, with others, two books on e-learning strategies and instructional multimedia to Arabic in 2005 and 2010. Prof. Ali has several activities in the fields of instructional skills development, study skills, instructional design, and web-based design; his interests include Arabic poetry; he published two anthologies in addition to other hand-written ones.


Dr. Nevzat Yavuz

Adı:  TUBITAK Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimlerde Proje Yazımı
Dr. Nevzat  YAVUZ lisans eğitimini  Ankara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Kamu Yönetimi Bölümünde, yüksek lisans eğitimini Gazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü  Kamu Yönetimi  Bölümü   Siyasal Davranış Anabilim Dalında ve doktora eğitimini Ankara Üniversitesi  Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Kamu Yönetimi  Bölümü Siyaset Bilimi  Anabilim Dalında tamamlamıştır. TÜBİTAK, Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler Araştırma Destek Grubu Koordinatörlüğü görevini yürütmektedir.

Dr. Antuni Wiyarsi
Staff Site Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Keynote Title: Trends in Indonesia Science Education: Challenges and Dilemmas

Dr. Antuni Wiyarsi works as Associate Professor of Chemistry Education at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia. She has become a lecturer for several courses i.e curriculum innovation, models of teaching, educational research, chemistry for vocational and senior high school, general chemistry, also as supervisors for undergraduate and graduate students of chemistry and science education. Dr. Wiyarsi has written a book about chemistry curriculum for vocational high school (in Bahasa Indonesia). She also acts as the trainer for chemistry and science teacher training program and engages in education program by the ministry of education such as for evaluation of national exam and examination of students’ literacy. She has applied and received several major research grants with a research interest in context-based learning, chemical literacy, chemistry curriculum, pedagogical content knowledge, and science teacher preparation. Dr. Wiyarsi has become an active associate editor of a nationally accredited journal and become a reviewer for national and international journals. She has actively contributed in national conferences as a keynote speaker and as a scientific committee in international conferences.


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Asya Asenova
Sofia University, Bulgaria

Keynote Title: Technology Enhance Learning in Field of Professional Education of Pre-Service Biology Teacher

Asya Asenova is Associate Professor of Biology Education at the Sofia University “St.Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria. Doctor Asenova is the author of more than 200 scientific publication, biology texbooks, book chapters, monographies and e-learning resources and serious games for education. She present reports at different international scientific symposiums and conferences and delivers lectures at universities in Italy, Spain, Greece. Asya Asenova has also worked as an expert and a consultant of the Ministry of Education and Science and designer of educational platforms for e-learning and mobile learning. Doctor Asenova is a member of European Science Education Research Association, European Center for Women and Technology, member of the Integral University Center for Research, Creating and Ensuring the Quality of Electronic Learning in a Different Educational Context and member of the International organization School-online - USA for the use of ICT in the training. Her research focusing on the following areas: e-learning and 3D virtual reality, technology enhance learning, mobile education, art education in biology, environmental education.